I finally made it a goal to get my business and website up and running at the beginning of this year, and with the help and hard work of my husband, who is an I.T. guru, we got it done! We started the beginning phase two years ago, but sometimes you just have to be really ready for something, and I am finally ready! It took a little while to narrow down what I feel I’m really good at and what I really want to focus on.
However, at the final hour, I have decided not to use my name as my business name. So this next week I will be making the final decision on a new name for my business, and then my wonderful, sexy, handsome, smart (and maybe if I say enough nice things about him won’t be mad at me) husband will spend a day switching everything over. So if you are kind enough to share my site with your friends and family, please share it again after I change the name.
I’m excited on this new phase in my life, and look forward to sharing it with all of you! <3
